Buddhafield Base

Group of people in a field dancing with linked arms

Buddhafield Base Values – Authentic Community

In a community we find others and we find ourselves. The beauty and challenge of relationships are opportunities for generosity, forgiveness and bravery. These are the qualities that move us beyond our self-centredness.

Mossy Buddha head and a latern

Buddhafield Base Values – Care for Land and Ecology

Land is integral to Buddhafield – it’s where we connect to the elements, strip away our complex lives and live simply, together. Our events take place outdoors and under canvas, embracing a joyful existence in the natural world.

A Home for the Eco-Sattva Spirit

‘A Home for the Eco-Sattva Spirit’ is a tagline we frequently use for the Buddhafield Base project. So, what is the ‘Eco-Sattva Spirit’?